Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas and 2009

So Christmas is over and we have taken down our tree and decorations! I almost felt like it was too soon BUT it was really in the way! The boys cleaned up and so did we! Toby's gifts were heavily Transformer themed and TJ's Elmo but they seemed more than pleased =0)
We had a nice quiet day here with calls to the states to the grandparents. I made a dinner and we have super chowed down on everything that was left =0)
Here we are about to wrap up another year. This will be the 7th new year Caleb and I ring in together =0)! So I thought I'd recap 2009....
okay so not tooo much happened this year. Caleb was TDY at the beginning of the year. I got a couple new tattoo's. We celebrated Toby's 5th birthday. Travie turned 1! Caleb dislocated his should and had surgery. That was prolly the biggest test of character(?maybe?) taking care of him and doing everything for him. He was absolutely no problem though but toss in the boys and some days seemed quite a challenge!! Toby started kindergarten! Then once again with the TDY bullshit.
When it's all said and done we had a pretty good year. We really rely on each other to keep our sanity and so far it has worked =0). Hopefully this upcoming year we will make our triumphant return to the states for a WV visit followed by a GA one all in about a months time. I have been joking about taking an empty suitcase for all my shopping okay so maybe it's not soo much a joke!
I hope everyone has had and continues to have an awesome holiday season!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009


So I'm starting to think all the cute bras (that I LOVE) are not really meant for moms of toddlers. Am I the only one with this problem?!?!?! I mean it's not like I'm wearing lace or ones more suitable for show. However, after bending over and picking up 26ish lbs for the 100th time it just doesn't seem to be doing the job as well anymore. So then I'm left with wrangling a baby AND the twins! Maybe this is why our moms sported the ever so "sexy" playtex bras back in the day! ( also major apologies for calling my mom out like that!) Oh well whats a girl to do.... theres always the baby no..... hmm.... guess I'm just gonna have to grin and bear another year or so of wrangle'n 3!
On a side note I want to THANK my bestie Cathy! She has quite a full plate running a business and being a mom to a newborn! BUT she always finds time to let me chat her ear off for hours (or damn close!) No matter what I am always smiling and happy when we hang up! She is really amazing and I truly LOVE her!! So there!!

Friday, December 11, 2009


So we're winding down in the days w/o Caleb! I am soooo super excited!! I have to say though the past 3 weeks have givin me a sort of I am woman hear me roar complex! I mean I have managed to handle my wild ones and everything came out okay...even if barely haha. I realize that since moving to Japan I have done a good many things on my own.... I just want to pat myself on the back haha.
Anyway- football season for Toby is FINALLY over yay!! We are heading to the party here shortly. He really enjoyed playing but w/ the cold temps, chasing TJ, and lack of team participation I am feeling relieved to be done with the whole thing!
Every gift I ordered from the internet got here and I am sooo excited! I was a tad bit worried some stuff wouldn't make it but luckily the mail gods were on my side this year =0)
So I have all of Caleb's stuff wrapped and waiting to be put under our tree. We haven't put one up yet b/ we are waiting for daddy.
Anyway~ going to enjoy some bowling alley waffle fries w/ Travie J while Toby does his thing!

Monday, November 30, 2009

hm... I wanted to vent but......

So okay I totally had a bitchy blog in mind but it just so happened the moment has passed! However I would still like to address the issue...... ahem.....
To the housing inspector guy;
I am seriously so super sorry I put my trash out on the curb a day ahead of time. I realize things like this are the reason for world hunger and war. You have to understand that I am but a simple minded and slightly scatter-brained female. Please accept this as my formal apology and an open invitation to kiss my ass.

I mean really is it necessary to ring my door JUST to tell me I'm a day early placing my trash can on the curb?!?!?! PUH-LEASE!

Anywoo- as crazy and super I hate people like thhis my next statement is going to sound it's absolutely TRUE!
***I am having a love affair with my treadmill***
Really, getting on that thing with my ipod jamming in my ear after the boys are in bed makes every crappy, annoying, angry moment in the day just float away. I can not express how amazing I feel when I get off! So I would like to list a few of my current fave. jam out songs of the moment....
1~Gypsy (Shakira) this song is a total empowerment song for me just awesome!
2~ Non- Dairy Creamer (Third Eye Blind) pretty much sums up all the messed up shit in the world in a catchy little tune.... "you can buy yourself some implants, but you can't buy a soul"
3~Treat Me Like your Mother (The Dead Weather) seriously Jack White is a musical genius what else needs to be said *side note: 3-31 in Tokyo, totally try'n to get Caleb to take me!!!*
4~Hey Soul Sister (Train) I am a sucker for happy lovey songs, not to mention my babies sing along to this! ( TJ just does the Heeeey parts but w/e)
5~ For your Entertainment ( Adam Lambert) see previous blog!

also with HUGE honorable mention.... Kings of Leon and Rob Thomas!

Okay so I've blabbed! nighty night!
*peace* V(*^0^)V

Saturday, November 28, 2009

WARNING: MY OPINION ....or something like that

Okay so totally off the subject of MY life...... and I know I'm weighing in about a week late but I want to address one Adam Lambert and his AMA performance......

I say good for him! He got TONS of publicity off of it! I personally DIG the song. Yeah it's a little poppy but hey whatever... it's dirty and I can relate haha. I don't see what the big fuss is, yeah he's a dude and he "simulated oral sex" w/ another dude.... who cares! Lets think um.... Madonna, Brittany, Janet Jackson.... the list off dirty acting females could go on for days! Not to mention have we all forgotten Prince back when he actually WAS Prince..... he was nasty (in the good way =0))! I think seriously the performance was not the worst thing I've ever seen on t.v. for sure! Is it because he is gay? Because unlike the "super hot" (gag me w/ a spoon) kiss between Brit-Brit and Madonna was two females?? {just an f.y.i. two girls kissing can be hot but come on those two are just wrong!} I don't understand all the hate, I mean how narrow minded are we? Anyway- I wish Adam a long happy 15 mins of fame =0)

On a side note am I the only one who hears subliminal messages in the John Mayer song "Who Says"??


Thursday, November 26, 2009

You know I never really notice that I am SO far away from home. That is until days like today. I can't help but feel a tad, okay yeah thats the word. I've come to terms with missing friends saying "I do's" and seeing new babies or even having my new baby seen. Yeah it blows but what are you gonna do? Helps that this great invention the internet keeps me more in touch with the ability to see and send pictures with in seconds. Then theres today where every mile feels like a million years. I know its only Thanksgiving but sitting here with my boys I can't help but feel almost cheated. For them and myself. As I long onto my fave. social networking site and see all the happy people who get to spend today with their families and friends. I think the last Thanksgiving I spent with my family was in 2005. Now I'm not looking for pity. It's just this year it seems really hard with Caleb gone. The lack of real friends here I'm sure has something to do with it. Also whats Caleb doing right now playing pachinco and he's been to the mall. The major excitement in my day was going to the PX and getting Burger King...blah. Okay so maybe I'm just feeling sorry for myself. OoOOO I did download the new Shakira c.d.!! She is most def. my guilty pleasure and not to mention HOTT!! =0) Now I think I will send Toby to bed, take over the x-box, and take my hostility out on some people in Call of Duty! (which not to brag, but I can kick some major ass at!!)
Seriously with all my heart, I hope everyone has an awesome Thanksgiving.
peace (^.^)

"'Cause I'm a gypsy
Are you coming with me?
I might steal your clothes
And wear them if they fit me"

Monday, November 23, 2009

It's that time of year again......

So yep Caleb is gone AGAIN between turkey day and Christmas. BLAH! I'm not gonna lie some days I look forward to a break but the cold hard facts are it SUCKS!
So I said I was gonna hit the tredmill two times a day while he was gone BUT it's day two and has the thing been used....NO! Tomorrow really.....*I hope* =0)
My ever so important military i.d. expires the 29th, marking FOUR years of Caleb being in the Army. Did I take the time to drag my butt out and renew it while he was still home...negative. So today I have to go extend it because with out my loving husband present I myself can not renew it..... WHAT .....THE....HELL?!?!? They weren't lying when they called us dependents ha! Maybe I need a power of attern. to poo too idk.
Anyway- here is my plans for my husbandless three weeks.....
1~miss him
2~have a girlie movie marathon
3~sleep on his side of the bed b/c it smells like him.
4~Christmas shop for him
5~text him like an obsessed school girl
6~Deep clean my house
7~actually GET on the treadmil!!
I know my life is sooo damn exciting you may need to take a brake for a smoke after just reading that! HA!
In other exciting news, Toby received a P.R.I.D.E award at school. He got the P for prepared. I have to ask myself where did this child actually come from?!?! I am the not in anyway EVER prepared. None the less we are still super proud of him and all the hard work he's putting towards kindergarten =0)
Since we found out Caleb would be leaving a week early we decided to go ahead with our Thanksgiving dinner on the Sun. prior to the actual day. It was very nice but I am now left with what I'm sure is 13.5 lbs. of turkey (since we had a 14lber to begin with). Not to mention a sweet potato cass. which is as we speak calling my name from onside the fridge!
Anyway~ Hope everyone has an awesome Thanksgiving!!
*much love*(^o^)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

update but mostly a rant....

Hello =0)
So not a whole lot has been going on really. We had a parent teacher conference with Tobys' teacher and..... he is doing AWESOME! He is above the average and is reading on a first grade level! YAY!! We are soooo extremely proud of him =0)!!
We've gotten some Christmas shopping done and I am sooo excited!! I LOVE giving the kids stuff haha!!
Caleb will be gone for 2 weeks at the beginning of Dec. which will give me a chance to get his gifts outta the way. I swear this year I'm gonna out do him... I say that every year and do I ever??? NOT EVEN CLOSE! but I try =0)
Now I wanna jump on my little soapbox for a moment........ military wives...... WTF!?! I've noticed there is a lot of stupid stupid females who have somehow attached themselves to men in the military. First let me say... I don't care what rank your man is or how much time he's served.... YOU DO NOT have rank, you do not have soldiers, you do not go to PT in the morn you did not go through weeks of training you are NOT in the military. You are a wife and that is it no better than ANY other wife! PERIOD! I can't stand women who put themselves in the same place as their husband....and why? If your husband was a pizza delivery guy would you? NO and there's no reason that just because hes in the military you should either. For the wives who try to awe people with their vast knowledge of military terms..... no one cares! So you've managed to learn a few acronyms would you like a cookie?? It's not rocket science people! Don't get me wrong I am PROUD of my husband I support everything he does.... but the Army is his gig, mine is to stand behind him and raise our children you know the typical wife/mom job. Anyway off of that....
Speaking of military crud I wanna say yay for my friends from Ft Sill who have husbands in Calebs old unit they just made a safe return form a year in the desert =0)

So I cleaned the heck outta my house Sat and now Monday morn. it is TRASHED and I have to get my booty off the computer and tend to it!
much love (*_*)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

just ramble'n

Ah Nov. all ready?? Seriously if we don't start our Christmas shopping soon it's gonna be full blown chaos!
Halloween was AWESOME!! The boys had fun and so did Caleb and I {It took TONS of convincing to get him out of the house in costume} We trooped over to the housing base a couple miles away and walked door to door for a bit. SHA was FILLED with people!! Then we came back here put mummy dogs in and handed out candy. Then when the kids were out for the count Caleb and i had our own celebration haha!
Toby has started flag football and has practice Tuesday and Thursday and games on Friday. So far so good. It is however starting to get cold. They are not allowed to wear anything w/ hoods or pockets so we're having a clothing issue since our PX sucks in choices. Hopefully tonights trip to Atsugi will solve that!
Speaking of cold weather, we live in base housing therefore we are slaves to the man. Since it hasn't been consistently cold enough we are not able to turn our heat on. i don't mean we follow the rules and just don't.... nope I've tried and it DOES NOT work!! This house is mighty cold at night and in the a.m.! It more than blows BUT gives me an excuse to stay in my cow slippers for a better part of the day and snuggle up to Caleb more at night =0)
Travis is still hell on wheels but extremely adorable while doing it! I swear the child can climb the 13 some odd stairs in 10 seconds flat! So I'm sacrificing my "tiddy" kitchen cabinets by removing the gate blocking the kitchen door so it can block the stairs. I now am thinking we should buy another gate haha.
Our neighbors are PCSing back to the states. I am SOOO super jealous!! I cant wait to order a pizza or go to Wal-Mart! *2 more years* I have however convinced Caleb on a day trip to Harajuku after the first of the year so I am more than stoked about that!! And yes Gwen Stefani is partly to blame but whatever!
Anyway- the domestic duties call!
*peace* v(*^^*)/

Monday, October 19, 2009

Feeling Like a Kid Again!

So I totally just got Caleb and I Halloween costumes and I am STANDING ON MY HEAD for him to get home!! I am super excited! I haven't dressed up for years and just trying on the costume makes me giddy!! I am going to be an awesomely cute pirate! I got Caleb a zombie doctor! Which I'm sure he love =0)!

Calebs big 3-0 birthday is in a week and i have(what I think) the coolest cake idea which I can't really share in case he drops by this blog. But this is another thing i am SUPER excited about!!

**I am truely bouncing off the walls right now!!!**

On a shity note however Caleb will be going to some sorta Japanese training/exercise thingy for a whole month again this year BOO!! Right around the holidays because(no offense) but apparently the Japanese don't find Thanksgiving important....seeing how they don't have one haha. So for most of my days it'll be me and little T. I do have a friend out here though whos husband is in Calebs unit and we've discussed having turkey day together which would be nice =0).

OoOOo also..... I am slowly but surely meeting people out here!! YAY me haha!!

Anyway- gonna go try out a new recipe for dinner!


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

getting the hang of this blog thingy =0)

So I'm playing around with this blog and well I'm starting to dig it =0)!!

Anyhoo- I've recently made a few decisions that have me super stoked!! Here we go:
#1~Since my hubby is getting a new bike when we leave Japan ( a Harley) I am taking and learning to ride his current bike (a Yamaha V-Star Classic 650)!! So I was totally terrified when he bought the bike almost 3 years ago, refused to get on it.... got on it, didnt care for it waited & waited got on it again LOVED it!! So now, with the incentive that he will paint it up girlie for me, I am gonna be a biker chick!!

#2~ I am getting a new tattoo for my birthday (okay so it's not til Feb. big deal). I've always wanted a chest tattoo but couldn't seem to come to an agreement w/ the husband on what would look "good". BUT finally we agreed on one!! I'm getting a stick of T-N-T w/ some other stuff to symbolize my little Toby and Travis! I can not tell you how super excited I am!! This will be my 9th tattoo but def. not the last!!

Okay so thats not a ton of decisions but whatever, still exciting to me!!
Also- I have lost 20lbs sooo far in my battle and am hoping to have another 40 off by Feb. It has actually turned out to be really fun except when I get the urge to make cupcakes which I totally give into...... ooops ^_^!

On a totally different note I would like to voice my opinion on an important matter.....
Dear U2~
You were kinda cool back in the 80's and even held out with a few good songs in the 90's but PLEASE PLEASE for the love of all things good take this time in 2009 and go ahead and retire... do it for yourselves and anyone with ears...think of the children!

Alright that is it! Go hug someone you love!
Peace v(^_^)v

Thursday, September 24, 2009

So okay thus far I've sucked at the blog thing. My hubby has been on leave though so I've been sucking up the mommy daddy time for all its worth!
I am such a proud mom right now! Toby has been in school 3 weeks and managed to stay on green the entire time! He and 5 other kids got to have lunch with the teacher and watch cartoons today!! It seems silly but really knowing your kid is being well behaved in school is a HUGE thing!
I've come to a horrid realization though.... I'm getting OLD! Seriously.... My oldest kid is in school, I have grey hairs(new ones show up every day I swear!) I read for fun, I exercise.....who am I?!?! Okay maybe it's not that drastic but some days it seems like it! There are times when a group of teenagers will be in the PX or bowling alley and really I wanna smack 90% of them.... was I really like that as a teenager I surely hope not! (But prob. so haha) Anyhoo just thought I'd do a bit of bragging (and complaining) I'm off to the stove to make dinner!

Monday, September 14, 2009

So I decided to start a blog....not that I think anything I have to say is particularly important but i thought it would be fun =0)!
So for my first (non-myspace) blog I thought I'd do a quick run-down of how I got to this point in my life.
Alright so I'm 26, married w/ 2 AMAZING boys! Living in Japan due to my husband being in the Army. As of now I am a stay at home mom...housewife....household c.e.o. whatever you want to call it.
I had a pretty normal childhood, graduated high school in 2001. Worked a bunch of b.s. jobs blah blah blah. Started "hanging out" with the most amazing man ever in April 03 and married him in June 03. We told very few people we were getting married and ran of to Alabama to do it after a huge 3 day "engagement" and that has set the pace and tone of our 6.5 years together. In July 03 I found out i was pregnant! Not exactly what I had expected out of the first month of marriage but a total blessing none the least. In March 04 our first son,Toby was born. In Nov 05 my husband joined the Army. In July 06 we moved to Fort Sill,OK... not the most exciting place on earth, but we got by and had a pretty good time doing it =0). In May 08 our second son, Travis, was born. One week later we found out Caleb got orders to move to 2 months! So in Aug. 08 we flew what seemed like FOREVER and made it all the way across the globe. One year later we have the present.