Tuesday, November 3, 2009

just ramble'n

Ah Nov. all ready?? Seriously if we don't start our Christmas shopping soon it's gonna be full blown chaos!
Halloween was AWESOME!! The boys had fun and so did Caleb and I {It took TONS of convincing to get him out of the house in costume} We trooped over to the housing base a couple miles away and walked door to door for a bit. SHA was FILLED with people!! Then we came back here put mummy dogs in and handed out candy. Then when the kids were out for the count Caleb and i had our own celebration haha!
Toby has started flag football and has practice Tuesday and Thursday and games on Friday. So far so good. It is however starting to get cold. They are not allowed to wear anything w/ hoods or pockets so we're having a clothing issue since our PX sucks in choices. Hopefully tonights trip to Atsugi will solve that!
Speaking of cold weather, we live in base housing therefore we are slaves to the man. Since it hasn't been consistently cold enough we are not able to turn our heat on. i don't mean we follow the rules and just don't.... nope I've tried and it DOES NOT work!! This house is mighty cold at night and in the a.m.! It more than blows BUT gives me an excuse to stay in my cow slippers for a better part of the day and snuggle up to Caleb more at night =0)
Travis is still hell on wheels but extremely adorable while doing it! I swear the child can climb the 13 some odd stairs in 10 seconds flat! So I'm sacrificing my "tiddy" kitchen cabinets by removing the gate blocking the kitchen door so it can block the stairs. I now am thinking we should buy another gate haha.
Our neighbors are PCSing back to the states. I am SOOO super jealous!! I cant wait to order a pizza or go to Wal-Mart! *2 more years* I have however convinced Caleb on a day trip to Harajuku after the first of the year so I am more than stoked about that!! And yes Gwen Stefani is partly to blame but whatever!
Anyway- the domestic duties call!
*peace* v(*^^*)/


  1. About time you updated this thing. I hope Toby loves football and I can't wait to see pictures of him in full gear :)

  2. It's just flag football so he just gets a SUPER HUGE jersey =0)
