Monday, November 23, 2009

It's that time of year again......

So yep Caleb is gone AGAIN between turkey day and Christmas. BLAH! I'm not gonna lie some days I look forward to a break but the cold hard facts are it SUCKS!
So I said I was gonna hit the tredmill two times a day while he was gone BUT it's day two and has the thing been used....NO! Tomorrow really.....*I hope* =0)
My ever so important military i.d. expires the 29th, marking FOUR years of Caleb being in the Army. Did I take the time to drag my butt out and renew it while he was still home...negative. So today I have to go extend it because with out my loving husband present I myself can not renew it..... WHAT .....THE....HELL?!?!? They weren't lying when they called us dependents ha! Maybe I need a power of attern. to poo too idk.
Anyway- here is my plans for my husbandless three weeks.....
1~miss him
2~have a girlie movie marathon
3~sleep on his side of the bed b/c it smells like him.
4~Christmas shop for him
5~text him like an obsessed school girl
6~Deep clean my house
7~actually GET on the treadmil!!
I know my life is sooo damn exciting you may need to take a brake for a smoke after just reading that! HA!
In other exciting news, Toby received a P.R.I.D.E award at school. He got the P for prepared. I have to ask myself where did this child actually come from?!?! I am the not in anyway EVER prepared. None the less we are still super proud of him and all the hard work he's putting towards kindergarten =0)
Since we found out Caleb would be leaving a week early we decided to go ahead with our Thanksgiving dinner on the Sun. prior to the actual day. It was very nice but I am now left with what I'm sure is 13.5 lbs. of turkey (since we had a 14lber to begin with). Not to mention a sweet potato cass. which is as we speak calling my name from onside the fridge!
Anyway~ Hope everyone has an awesome Thanksgiving!!
*much love*(^o^)

1 comment:

  1. You are so cute! It's so sweet that y'all are so in love! And tell Toby we are very proud of him too! And save me some turkey :) Love you.
