Sunday, November 15, 2009

update but mostly a rant....

Hello =0)
So not a whole lot has been going on really. We had a parent teacher conference with Tobys' teacher and..... he is doing AWESOME! He is above the average and is reading on a first grade level! YAY!! We are soooo extremely proud of him =0)!!
We've gotten some Christmas shopping done and I am sooo excited!! I LOVE giving the kids stuff haha!!
Caleb will be gone for 2 weeks at the beginning of Dec. which will give me a chance to get his gifts outta the way. I swear this year I'm gonna out do him... I say that every year and do I ever??? NOT EVEN CLOSE! but I try =0)
Now I wanna jump on my little soapbox for a moment........ military wives...... WTF!?! I've noticed there is a lot of stupid stupid females who have somehow attached themselves to men in the military. First let me say... I don't care what rank your man is or how much time he's served.... YOU DO NOT have rank, you do not have soldiers, you do not go to PT in the morn you did not go through weeks of training you are NOT in the military. You are a wife and that is it no better than ANY other wife! PERIOD! I can't stand women who put themselves in the same place as their husband....and why? If your husband was a pizza delivery guy would you? NO and there's no reason that just because hes in the military you should either. For the wives who try to awe people with their vast knowledge of military terms..... no one cares! So you've managed to learn a few acronyms would you like a cookie?? It's not rocket science people! Don't get me wrong I am PROUD of my husband I support everything he does.... but the Army is his gig, mine is to stand behind him and raise our children you know the typical wife/mom job. Anyway off of that....
Speaking of military crud I wanna say yay for my friends from Ft Sill who have husbands in Calebs old unit they just made a safe return form a year in the desert =0)

So I cleaned the heck outta my house Sat and now Monday morn. it is TRASHED and I have to get my booty off the computer and tend to it!
much love (*_*)

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