Monday, November 30, 2009

hm... I wanted to vent but......

So okay I totally had a bitchy blog in mind but it just so happened the moment has passed! However I would still like to address the issue...... ahem.....
To the housing inspector guy;
I am seriously so super sorry I put my trash out on the curb a day ahead of time. I realize things like this are the reason for world hunger and war. You have to understand that I am but a simple minded and slightly scatter-brained female. Please accept this as my formal apology and an open invitation to kiss my ass.

I mean really is it necessary to ring my door JUST to tell me I'm a day early placing my trash can on the curb?!?!?! PUH-LEASE!

Anywoo- as crazy and super I hate people like thhis my next statement is going to sound it's absolutely TRUE!
***I am having a love affair with my treadmill***
Really, getting on that thing with my ipod jamming in my ear after the boys are in bed makes every crappy, annoying, angry moment in the day just float away. I can not express how amazing I feel when I get off! So I would like to list a few of my current fave. jam out songs of the moment....
1~Gypsy (Shakira) this song is a total empowerment song for me just awesome!
2~ Non- Dairy Creamer (Third Eye Blind) pretty much sums up all the messed up shit in the world in a catchy little tune.... "you can buy yourself some implants, but you can't buy a soul"
3~Treat Me Like your Mother (The Dead Weather) seriously Jack White is a musical genius what else needs to be said *side note: 3-31 in Tokyo, totally try'n to get Caleb to take me!!!*
4~Hey Soul Sister (Train) I am a sucker for happy lovey songs, not to mention my babies sing along to this! ( TJ just does the Heeeey parts but w/e)
5~ For your Entertainment ( Adam Lambert) see previous blog!

also with HUGE honorable mention.... Kings of Leon and Rob Thomas!

Okay so I've blabbed! nighty night!
*peace* V(*^0^)V

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