Monday, September 14, 2009

So I decided to start a blog....not that I think anything I have to say is particularly important but i thought it would be fun =0)!
So for my first (non-myspace) blog I thought I'd do a quick run-down of how I got to this point in my life.
Alright so I'm 26, married w/ 2 AMAZING boys! Living in Japan due to my husband being in the Army. As of now I am a stay at home mom...housewife....household c.e.o. whatever you want to call it.
I had a pretty normal childhood, graduated high school in 2001. Worked a bunch of b.s. jobs blah blah blah. Started "hanging out" with the most amazing man ever in April 03 and married him in June 03. We told very few people we were getting married and ran of to Alabama to do it after a huge 3 day "engagement" and that has set the pace and tone of our 6.5 years together. In July 03 I found out i was pregnant! Not exactly what I had expected out of the first month of marriage but a total blessing none the least. In March 04 our first son,Toby was born. In Nov 05 my husband joined the Army. In July 06 we moved to Fort Sill,OK... not the most exciting place on earth, but we got by and had a pretty good time doing it =0). In May 08 our second son, Travis, was born. One week later we found out Caleb got orders to move to 2 months! So in Aug. 08 we flew what seemed like FOREVER and made it all the way across the globe. One year later we have the present.

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