Wednesday, September 30, 2009

getting the hang of this blog thingy =0)

So I'm playing around with this blog and well I'm starting to dig it =0)!!

Anyhoo- I've recently made a few decisions that have me super stoked!! Here we go:
#1~Since my hubby is getting a new bike when we leave Japan ( a Harley) I am taking and learning to ride his current bike (a Yamaha V-Star Classic 650)!! So I was totally terrified when he bought the bike almost 3 years ago, refused to get on it.... got on it, didnt care for it waited & waited got on it again LOVED it!! So now, with the incentive that he will paint it up girlie for me, I am gonna be a biker chick!!

#2~ I am getting a new tattoo for my birthday (okay so it's not til Feb. big deal). I've always wanted a chest tattoo but couldn't seem to come to an agreement w/ the husband on what would look "good". BUT finally we agreed on one!! I'm getting a stick of T-N-T w/ some other stuff to symbolize my little Toby and Travis! I can not tell you how super excited I am!! This will be my 9th tattoo but def. not the last!!

Okay so thats not a ton of decisions but whatever, still exciting to me!!
Also- I have lost 20lbs sooo far in my battle and am hoping to have another 40 off by Feb. It has actually turned out to be really fun except when I get the urge to make cupcakes which I totally give into...... ooops ^_^!

On a totally different note I would like to voice my opinion on an important matter.....
Dear U2~
You were kinda cool back in the 80's and even held out with a few good songs in the 90's but PLEASE PLEASE for the love of all things good take this time in 2009 and go ahead and retire... do it for yourselves and anyone with ears...think of the children!

Alright that is it! Go hug someone you love!
Peace v(^_^)v

1 comment:

  1. OMG 20lbs IS EXCITING!!! CONGRATS!!!! And you will look HOT riding a bike!!! =) Keep up the good work!! Love ya! ~whit
