Thursday, September 24, 2009

So okay thus far I've sucked at the blog thing. My hubby has been on leave though so I've been sucking up the mommy daddy time for all its worth!
I am such a proud mom right now! Toby has been in school 3 weeks and managed to stay on green the entire time! He and 5 other kids got to have lunch with the teacher and watch cartoons today!! It seems silly but really knowing your kid is being well behaved in school is a HUGE thing!
I've come to a horrid realization though.... I'm getting OLD! Seriously.... My oldest kid is in school, I have grey hairs(new ones show up every day I swear!) I read for fun, I exercise.....who am I?!?! Okay maybe it's not that drastic but some days it seems like it! There are times when a group of teenagers will be in the PX or bowling alley and really I wanna smack 90% of them.... was I really like that as a teenager I surely hope not! (But prob. so haha) Anyhoo just thought I'd do a bit of bragging (and complaining) I'm off to the stove to make dinner!

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