Sunday, May 30, 2010

Births~the 2nd edition

So today is Travis' 2nd birthday so I thought I'd blog his story like i did Toby =0)

So the birth of my second baby wasn't so much of a shock.... he was a planned induction. One week early because I had (supposedly) gestational diabetes. So at 7 am I was to be at the hospital to get the devils juice a.k.a potocin. We show up and the people had no idea we were supposed to be there....thank you army hospitals =0P. They decided to let me stay anyway and around 9am they started the d.j. I was seriously standing on my head waiting for TJ to come! By noon my crazy mother had found the number to the hospital and called my room to see why we hadn't called her yet....see where I get it! By that time I was finally starting to feel some contractions nothing serious but I got the genius idea to get an epidural thinking it would speed up the whole process. First off the dumb ass epidural guy thought my tattoos were more interesting than his job...he jabbed me countless times, apparently hitting bone, which feels like an electrical jolt going through your spine...NOT NICE! After who knows how many attempts and me almost calling it off he finally got it. Did it speed things up....NO it put me back at square 1...UGH!
My doctor though kept reassuring me we would have a baby THAT day. So they upped my d.j. constantly. Then at about idk 5ish.... they start freakin out b/c everytime I have a contraction TJ heart stops. The nurses were HORRIBLE and bc they were freakin out so was I. I thought a c-section was def. in my future. They kept insisting I wear this oxygen mask...I didn't really see why. Oh well....then my doc. came in and said everything was fine he just had the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck...FINE?!?! Does that sound fine to you? Anywoo- finally at about 7pm he's ready, I push twice, I guess Caleb was able to see him do a spin and he was out! With his arm up above his head keeping the cord from completely strangling him!
He weighed in at 6lbs and 9oz and was 18inches long. another BEAUTIFUL baby!
Now he's a crazy toddler and I couldn't be happier =0)
*peace & love*

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Travis. Can't wait til we can party together buddy!
