Tuesday, May 11, 2010

these walls maybe about to close in on me!

Geeze! I am soooo super antsy! I don't want to stay in this house but theres not a lot to do this week so here I am BORED! I think I'm channeling Toby and I know it's almost summer haha!

Anyway- lets see whats been going on.... last Friday I went to Bunco at the community club here on post, apparently it's a Army wife thing. whatever! I'm not vet. but I've been an Army wife for almost 5 years and have I ever played Bunco before Friday......NO, do I even know how to play bunco-NO!! But because it was free and a few girls here had asked me to go I did. Oh and did I mention 4 $100 prizes would be given!?!? It was easy to catch on and with a few $3 Heinekens in me I actually had a good time. I won the loser prize (I lost 16 outta 24 games!) However so did 3 other people so I only walked away w/ $25, but hey it's better than nothing!!

I also received my very first school made mothers day gift from Tobe, he made me 2 cards and a flower pot w/ some sorta seeds in it. They were super awesome! I LOVE them!!! The mystery flowers are starting to sprout so hopefully soon we'll see what they are! Mothers Day was uneventful but NICE! Caleb let me sleep in and then b/c there was nothing else on I let him watch UFC and I napped! Perfect gift of laziness, I couldn't be happier!

My baby will be 2 on the 30th! i can NOT believe it! My not so baby, will be ending his Kindergarten year on june 16th! They seriously no matter what anyone says grow up too FAST!!! I'm hoping to have an excellent summer w/ my boys this year though!!

Anyhoo- hope all of you are well!!
**peace & love!!**

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