Wednesday, March 17, 2010

just a quick happenings....

So Tobys birthday was a success. We went to a movie Friday and had a bowling party Sunday. I think the kids had an awesome time!!
TJ has been sick for like a week.... we took him to the doc b/c he had a fever that just wouldn't really come down. The doc said he was just getting over a cold or something. The weekend passes and he's still sick w/ fever and pretty much a lifeless little boy. So back to the doc we go, turns out he had a touch of pneumonia! They gave him some antibiotics, which seemed to help almost instantly! He's still not 100% but doing MUCH better! It's sucked that he's been sick but I am eating up all the snuggle time he wants!
I have to go register for my classes this that should be exciting =0)
Other than stuff w/ the boys not a lot has been going on. Caleb is taking leave while Toby is on spring break next month and we are all so very looking forward to that!
Anyhoo- gotta go make our meatless hotdogs!
peace and love

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