Thursday, March 4, 2010


Everyones story is special. Not a single one is boring. Moms will tell them over and over again even after their children are grown. I personally LOVE them!
So on the 6th birthday of our oldest... I thought I'd share THE story of how Toby came to be.
So one night, maybe it was day Caleb and I.....hahaha NO NO NO just kidding NOT THAT part!!!
Okay so around 10:30am I woke up (struggling to get out of a waterbed) and realize I have *gasp* peed the bed!!! WTF! After carefully evaluating the situation i come to terms that this is not urine BUT indeed amneotic fluid! OH SNAP! So I wake Caleb and tell him he prob. shouldn't go into work that day. I'm fully aware that this is big but I am REFUSING to go to the doc...or even call. I'm 100% sure it's not time yet, plus I'm in no pain so hmph clearly not in labor. So Caleb does the unthinkable and calls our mothers! They of course say I need to call the doctor so, I do. He tells me to get to the hospital. So I shower and we leave. still not taking my bag because they are clearly not keeping me! We get there, the examine me and guess what my "water" is in fact leaking sooo they're keeping me ugh. The put me on potocin(a.k.a devils juice). This was laughable for quite sometime. It got increasingly more painful and after about 7 hours of contractions and no baby coming, I did something I swore I wouldn't and got the epidural. This makes my blood pressure drop and I shiver like crazy! They give me some meds to even out my b.p. and it's smooth sailing til about midnight. Thats when the doc comes in and says it's time to push!!! WHAT?!?! REALLY?!?! Not entirely sure I'm ready for this but know it's unavoidable, i push (which is actually hard work!).... 49 some odd mins later (12:51am to be exact) Toby William Romick made his way into our world! He had a head full of the most gorgeous hair, all 10 fingers and toes! He was the most beautiful thing i had ever laid eyes on =0)
He was 7lbs 15.90z (yep .1oz away from an 8 pounder) 19 inches long and love in the cutest package i had ever seen!
I remember this day so vividly and know i always will, It's hard to believe he's already 6 =0( But I can't complain about the amazing little boy he's turned into!
We are surprising him by taking him to the movies tonight & having a small cake & letting him open our gift. Sunday he is having a party w/ his school friends!
So I'm off to decorate a cake!
Peace and Love to all!!

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