Wednesday, June 30, 2010

what a day...

Today I must have had a big sign on my head that said....*Friendly...please talk to me!*
After dropping Caleb off at 8, the boys and i went to Burger King for breakfast. Theres this guy here I see all the time and I swear if I didn't know better I'd say he idk super trashy like old construction worker guy. Anyway- He decided to give me all these parenting tips for the climate here. Like I should be feeding my 2 year old bell peppers to keep all his neutrons in balance...okay?!?! He told me he was a stay at home dad. He did say his mom always said; it's easy to walk in and mirco manage but if you haven't been in it all day you have no clue. I did agree w/ that!
Okay fast forward to 930 ish, TJ and i had dropped Toby at summer school and decided to goof off in the PX. This poor girl came up to me and started asking me about EVERYTHING she had in her buggy! she was like 8 months pregnant and the poor girl was overwhelmed to say the least..... she had about 4 jumbo tubes of A&D, a couple of desitin and a few butt paste to top it off! Thinking she would need all of them! I told her what i knew but wasn;t sure I was much help....until she thanked and hugged me!
It was refreshing though because most of the time people walk around all angry faced and it just drives me NUTS!
Anyhoo- gotta get off and go get Caleb! Going to a Shrine sale in the's like a flea market at a shrine! Should be interesting!!
*peace & love*

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