Monday, June 14, 2010

Take the money and run...7 years in progress...

Okay so this blog is a day early but tomorrow will be busy so today it is =0)

So if you don't know Caleb and my "song" is "Take the Money and Run" by the Steve Miller Band, if you've never heard it you should def. look it up and listen. We totally planned on living out that song...and 7 years ago it seemed pretty fitting. We still joke about it but just with 2 kids in tow. No doubt though anytime that song comes on we both look at each other and smile....we will always be Billy Joe and Bobbie Sue at heart =0)

By now if you haven't guessed June 16th is our 7 year anniversary, and no he's not sending me and the boys to Maine for the summer!! (and Marilyn Monroe is def. not moving in upstairs haha) I realized the other day that sooo much has changed in 7 years. We've both grown, together thank goodness. We've made 2 beautiful boys together! We've traveled across the globe! We've loved, we've fought, we've always made up.... we've laughed, cried, hugged and kissed. The usual stuff right =0)!

HOWEVER I've realized he's changed me a 7 years, I've become a Yankees fan (I know don't tell my southern lovin family!!) I've gotten rid of my fear of motorcycles! I've embraced the fact that I am a girl...and the only one in the house so I totally LOVE it!! I've realized I can love someone whole-heartedly and do so everyday all day!!

To sum up a blog that could go on all day... I still love my husband, I'm still his #1 fan and always will be!! I can't believe it's been 7 years but I'm more than ready for 7 more! Who knows maybe one day we'll make it Old El Paso!!

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