Wednesday, June 30, 2010

what a day...

Today I must have had a big sign on my head that said....*Friendly...please talk to me!*
After dropping Caleb off at 8, the boys and i went to Burger King for breakfast. Theres this guy here I see all the time and I swear if I didn't know better I'd say he idk super trashy like old construction worker guy. Anyway- He decided to give me all these parenting tips for the climate here. Like I should be feeding my 2 year old bell peppers to keep all his neutrons in balance...okay?!?! He told me he was a stay at home dad. He did say his mom always said; it's easy to walk in and mirco manage but if you haven't been in it all day you have no clue. I did agree w/ that!
Okay fast forward to 930 ish, TJ and i had dropped Toby at summer school and decided to goof off in the PX. This poor girl came up to me and started asking me about EVERYTHING she had in her buggy! she was like 8 months pregnant and the poor girl was overwhelmed to say the least..... she had about 4 jumbo tubes of A&D, a couple of desitin and a few butt paste to top it off! Thinking she would need all of them! I told her what i knew but wasn;t sure I was much help....until she thanked and hugged me!
It was refreshing though because most of the time people walk around all angry faced and it just drives me NUTS!
Anyhoo- gotta get off and go get Caleb! Going to a Shrine sale in the's like a flea market at a shrine! Should be interesting!!
*peace & love*

Saturday, June 19, 2010

...a night OUT!

So Caleb and I FINALLY had a night out after 2 years of being w/ the boys 24/7.
I dropped the boys off at The Pasions, who live just a couple houses over, at 6. We took off for the train station immediately! It was super crappy weather, but we walked anyway! We rode the train to Machida (only 2 stops away). We walked around, went into a music store and looked around. Then we went into TGI Fridays.. Caleb had a long island ice tea and i had a pina colada. But because thats the "spot" in Machida and certain people hang there we left. Not to mention our drinks were 12something a piece! We walked around, went into an awesome hat shop goofed off trying on hats and what not. I got a new pair of sun glasses! Then we went in the arcade played the crane machines and the slot machines for a bit. Ended up in a biker themed bar, ordered a couple of their random special drinks, took a shot and had a couple of jager-bombs. We left there and headed home. When we left the train station Caleb went into a store and came out with roses!! So we walked in the pouring rain from the train station, but we didn't mind. We picked the boys up a little past 10.
We missed them so very much, but it was sooo refreashing to get out!! Today was awesome too! I know that had a lot to do with 1) the boys sleeping in til 9! and 2) our time spent out and alone last night! We didn't do to much today but play outside with the boys!
Welp that about sums
*peace and love!*

Monday, June 14, 2010

Take the money and run...7 years in progress...

Okay so this blog is a day early but tomorrow will be busy so today it is =0)

So if you don't know Caleb and my "song" is "Take the Money and Run" by the Steve Miller Band, if you've never heard it you should def. look it up and listen. We totally planned on living out that song...and 7 years ago it seemed pretty fitting. We still joke about it but just with 2 kids in tow. No doubt though anytime that song comes on we both look at each other and smile....we will always be Billy Joe and Bobbie Sue at heart =0)

By now if you haven't guessed June 16th is our 7 year anniversary, and no he's not sending me and the boys to Maine for the summer!! (and Marilyn Monroe is def. not moving in upstairs haha) I realized the other day that sooo much has changed in 7 years. We've both grown, together thank goodness. We've made 2 beautiful boys together! We've traveled across the globe! We've loved, we've fought, we've always made up.... we've laughed, cried, hugged and kissed. The usual stuff right =0)!

HOWEVER I've realized he's changed me a 7 years, I've become a Yankees fan (I know don't tell my southern lovin family!!) I've gotten rid of my fear of motorcycles! I've embraced the fact that I am a girl...and the only one in the house so I totally LOVE it!! I've realized I can love someone whole-heartedly and do so everyday all day!!

To sum up a blog that could go on all day... I still love my husband, I'm still his #1 fan and always will be!! I can't believe it's been 7 years but I'm more than ready for 7 more! Who knows maybe one day we'll make it Old El Paso!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Bulging disc and tears.....

Okay so finally got some answers to my back pain. Apparently I have bulging disc! With instructions to do the cobra pose (from yoga) every 3-4 hours and go back on the 28th hopefully I will get some relief....oh and the pain pills don't hurt either =0P
How ever if you've never been to physical therapy, it is weird and a bit creepy. I had to bend over some 40 odd times in front of this dude, who of course was watching. I know it's his job but it's still unsettling!
Now on to the tears..... Today June 9th I left TJ with a friend of mine so I could go to my appointment. He has never stayed with anyone other than Caleb (except for when he was 2 weeks old and that was w/ my mom for an hour)
So I'm all nervous like he's gonna cry or be a brat.....but did he NO!! He didn't even care that I left him there! I was so sad =0( I mean don't get me wrong I was glad he was good for Jen, but come on!!

**6 days til Tobe's summer!!!****
Anyway- hope all is well out there!
*peace & love*

Monday, June 7, 2010

The little things....

Nothing can make you appreciate home like living in a different country so today I would like to pay respects to "the little things" I truly miss about America......

  • Vertical traffic lights....yep they are horizontal here and quite strange
  • My kind of fast most cases availible 24/7...the places on post here close at 9pm =0(
  • Being able to go to town and read signs
  • finding clothes that would fit a real person not a toddler
  • having more than one radio station and 8 tv channels
  • being in the same or near same time zone as loved ones
  • Wal-Mart....never thought I'd say that!
It's not all bad though so I thought I'd even it out with some things that rock my stripey socks
  • FASHION it's sooo amazing here you are constantly amazed by peoples clothing and no one cares whatever goes
  • ones in cans out of vending machines, cold ones from corner stores, coffee shops all so super YUMMY!!
  • The 100 yen our dollar store but way more awesome!!
  • You can get almost anything with some sort of cartoon picture on it ( I recently got a pot holder trivet thingy with a piggy on it saying cooking time!)
  • and of course SAKE =0)
Hope everyone is awesome!!
*peace & love*