Sunday, May 30, 2010

Births~the 2nd edition

So today is Travis' 2nd birthday so I thought I'd blog his story like i did Toby =0)

So the birth of my second baby wasn't so much of a shock.... he was a planned induction. One week early because I had (supposedly) gestational diabetes. So at 7 am I was to be at the hospital to get the devils juice a.k.a potocin. We show up and the people had no idea we were supposed to be there....thank you army hospitals =0P. They decided to let me stay anyway and around 9am they started the d.j. I was seriously standing on my head waiting for TJ to come! By noon my crazy mother had found the number to the hospital and called my room to see why we hadn't called her yet....see where I get it! By that time I was finally starting to feel some contractions nothing serious but I got the genius idea to get an epidural thinking it would speed up the whole process. First off the dumb ass epidural guy thought my tattoos were more interesting than his job...he jabbed me countless times, apparently hitting bone, which feels like an electrical jolt going through your spine...NOT NICE! After who knows how many attempts and me almost calling it off he finally got it. Did it speed things up....NO it put me back at square 1...UGH!
My doctor though kept reassuring me we would have a baby THAT day. So they upped my d.j. constantly. Then at about idk 5ish.... they start freakin out b/c everytime I have a contraction TJ heart stops. The nurses were HORRIBLE and bc they were freakin out so was I. I thought a c-section was def. in my future. They kept insisting I wear this oxygen mask...I didn't really see why. Oh well....then my doc. came in and said everything was fine he just had the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck...FINE?!?! Does that sound fine to you? Anywoo- finally at about 7pm he's ready, I push twice, I guess Caleb was able to see him do a spin and he was out! With his arm up above his head keeping the cord from completely strangling him!
He weighed in at 6lbs and 9oz and was 18inches long. another BEAUTIFUL baby!
Now he's a crazy toddler and I couldn't be happier =0)
*peace & love*

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Wont hold US down

So maybe i was antsy last week.....for a good reason. Possibly in touch w/ my psychic side haha
Since last Wed. things have gone all crazy.
Still waiting on the final out come. I just wanna say they wont break us we can not be conquered.
I will always stand behind, beside, and if needed in front of my husband. We truly believe all we need is love. We got a shit ton of that. In the words of Caleb...they can't eat us.
I know this is not making any sense but in time i will reveal what all this is about.....

I wanna ask everyone out there to keep us in your thoughts, i don't know which way yet so lets just hope for what is best.......

GA i may see you in all your glory before you know it

*peace and love*

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

these walls maybe about to close in on me!

Geeze! I am soooo super antsy! I don't want to stay in this house but theres not a lot to do this week so here I am BORED! I think I'm channeling Toby and I know it's almost summer haha!

Anyway- lets see whats been going on.... last Friday I went to Bunco at the community club here on post, apparently it's a Army wife thing. whatever! I'm not vet. but I've been an Army wife for almost 5 years and have I ever played Bunco before Friday......NO, do I even know how to play bunco-NO!! But because it was free and a few girls here had asked me to go I did. Oh and did I mention 4 $100 prizes would be given!?!? It was easy to catch on and with a few $3 Heinekens in me I actually had a good time. I won the loser prize (I lost 16 outta 24 games!) However so did 3 other people so I only walked away w/ $25, but hey it's better than nothing!!

I also received my very first school made mothers day gift from Tobe, he made me 2 cards and a flower pot w/ some sorta seeds in it. They were super awesome! I LOVE them!!! The mystery flowers are starting to sprout so hopefully soon we'll see what they are! Mothers Day was uneventful but NICE! Caleb let me sleep in and then b/c there was nothing else on I let him watch UFC and I napped! Perfect gift of laziness, I couldn't be happier!

My baby will be 2 on the 30th! i can NOT believe it! My not so baby, will be ending his Kindergarten year on june 16th! They seriously no matter what anyone says grow up too FAST!!! I'm hoping to have an excellent summer w/ my boys this year though!!

Anyhoo- hope all of you are well!!
**peace & love!!**

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco De Mayo Throw back

On this day 7 years ago I was at B-52s on Virginia Ave in ATL drinking $2 tequila shots with my then boyfriend =0) Also I should throw in I was using my room-mates i.d. b/c I was not 21 (bad Brandi). Before hand I had made my man a dinner of chicken, mashed potatoes and something else i can't remember haha The first time i had ever made a man dinner though....I'm sure thats what sealed the 5 min microwaviable tyson chicken =0P
Later on we made a trip to the best drunk food place ever...WAFFLE HOUSE! Damn I miss the states.
7 years later I'm still celebrating Cinco De Mayo by playing Call of Duty =0) (It's a work night)
I couldn't be happier..... also I'm still making him dinner...most nights
*peace and love*