Tuesday, February 9, 2010

really?!?! get a life, better yet QUIT your day job

Okay so I have ranted about Mr. Housing guy before but here we go again.
I mean seriously does this guy have nothing better to do than nit-pick my house??? So a few days ago he came to our door to tell us to organize our propane tanks....WTF?! someone PLEASE tell me how to organize 2 propane tanks. Giving his award winning speech about his boss and taking pics to send to Caleb's first SGT. So whatever, we dismiss the guy.
So yesterday I am out back on the phone. Let me take a moment to say how much I love my phone time, I have basically no friends here and so after about lunch time I have no one to talk to, b/c everyone in the states is asleep so I LOVE my small amount of phone time! Anyhoo- here comes Mr. D-bag, all tryin to give me the same speech about the damn propane tanks, while I'm on the phone. I simply tell him I am on the phone and walk into my house. Okay so come on guy, get a damn life! First off thats totally rude! Second if you want to tell me exactly how to organize some dang propane tanks I will then do it. I understand that living on a military base there are certain standards for your house. I do not mind following them, yeah it sucks when you just haven't had the time to cut your grass and you get a note but all the same you know your grass has to be cut. Whatever.
So in my anger, I go out back and freakin rake our literal 8x4 back yard, which has no grass is just rocks. I pick up the itty bitty trash specs I can find and I move the tanks..... I'm really hoping this makes old dude happy because it's really starting to piss me off!
Bleh so long weekend coming up and it's THE birthday celebration weekend woo-hoo! Forget D-bag I'm ready to PARTY!!

1 comment:

  1. Come on now the time you spent blogging you should have been organzing your tanks :) Just kidding we love you...and your unorganized tanks :)
