Sunday, February 7, 2010


So it's 7 days til Valentines day and 10 til my birthday. What does the most amazing man on this planet do 2 days ago??? He brings home a puppy for my early gift!! I have never been surprised with with a dog! It was AMAZING!! =0) It took me FOREVER but I decided to name him Opie! No not because of Andy Griffen, but Sons of anarchy, it just fit and trust me I tried everything haha. He is a french bulldog, he is 6 months old, and just LOVELY!! We're (or I) still working on house breaking him but so far he is doing not so bad. He and Katai, our other dog, get along pretty good. They've had their moments but he they're "brothers" right? Seriously though I absolutely adore this pup! However his gas is enough to make you gag and boy does he ever have gas haha!
Though not to be outdone, I got Caleb a PS3 =0).... no it doesn't even come close to Opie but I think he's pleased. It started out in our bedroom but tonight found its way to the living room and I am more than excited about the change =0)
One week til the harajuku trip!!!!!!!! WOO-HOO!!
Tobe received another P.R.I.D.E. award at school on Friday, go Toby!! He also got into the actual sash/award part of Awanas. Don't think I've mentioned it before but about a month ago, a friend from his class invited him to go and he loved it so every Sunday we take him to Atsugi for Awanas. It was so strange at first to think that he had "his own thing" going on but I've really come to like it. Caleb grew up big in to church (I mean come on his pap is a Babtist preacher) so it's nice to let Toby have some of that in his life as well =0)

Anyway- gonna go look at more tattoo ideas...hopefully getting something new VERY soon!
*peace* (^0^)v

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