Wednesday, February 3, 2010


So whats been going on....
1> we decided not to get the range rover, after careful deliberation it just seemed like a not so wise idea. Really I'm okay w/ it I mean we only have (at most) a year and a half left here.
2> we got SNOW on Monday night!! It snowed for about 6 hours straight, accumulating about 2-3 inches on the ground. Caleb had no pt BUT they expected kids to go to school. We however didn't send big T in.... where i'm from a dusting = SNOW DAY!!**continued rant on school below**
3> I'm getting a cut and color this weekend and have no clue about the color!! UGH! suggestions?? I'm thinking of just doing highlights but idk...bleh
4> We have 10 days til we go to Harajuku!!!! I am soooooo excited!!!!!
5> I moved the boys into one bedroom and made the other a playroom.... 2 nights down and it's still working out okay =0). It seriously looks so much better and so far seems like it was an AWESOME idea!! We are going to get them a little couch for movie/tv watching. And thinking of getting Toby a PS2 to go in there for his bday. (March 5th)
OKAY SO.....
Okay so they didn't cancel school because of the crap! On top of that they don't do holiday "parties". If we want to send in Valentines for the class it's totally up to us. Nope they wont be making the cute little shoebox card holders or enjoying a day a handing out valentines followed by cupcakes, ect. I think this is total BULLSHIT! Some of my fondest early school memories were dressing up for Halloween, getting Valentines, and those days where you did nothing but have parties! I think it's totally crazy they are taking these joys away from our children.... as a parent you always here "they're only little once" and that is sooo true so why take parties and fun days away from kids who can barely tie their own shoes?!?!?! UGH! It's sooo super frustrating! I mean some of the things my son has done in the 4 months of kindergarten I'm pretty sure we didn't do til 2nd grade! WHY?!?! I'm totally confused!

Anyway- thats all my ranting! Hope all is well out there!

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