Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas and 2009

So Christmas is over and we have taken down our tree and decorations! I almost felt like it was too soon BUT it was really in the way! The boys cleaned up and so did we! Toby's gifts were heavily Transformer themed and TJ's Elmo but they seemed more than pleased =0)
We had a nice quiet day here with calls to the states to the grandparents. I made a dinner and we have super chowed down on everything that was left =0)
Here we are about to wrap up another year. This will be the 7th new year Caleb and I ring in together =0)! So I thought I'd recap 2009....
okay so not tooo much happened this year. Caleb was TDY at the beginning of the year. I got a couple new tattoo's. We celebrated Toby's 5th birthday. Travie turned 1! Caleb dislocated his should and had surgery. That was prolly the biggest test of character(?maybe?) taking care of him and doing everything for him. He was absolutely no problem though but toss in the boys and some days seemed quite a challenge!! Toby started kindergarten! Then once again with the TDY bullshit.
When it's all said and done we had a pretty good year. We really rely on each other to keep our sanity and so far it has worked =0). Hopefully this upcoming year we will make our triumphant return to the states for a WV visit followed by a GA one all in about a months time. I have been joking about taking an empty suitcase for all my shopping okay so maybe it's not soo much a joke!
I hope everyone has had and continues to have an awesome holiday season!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009


So I'm starting to think all the cute bras (that I LOVE) are not really meant for moms of toddlers. Am I the only one with this problem?!?!?! I mean it's not like I'm wearing lace or ones more suitable for show. However, after bending over and picking up 26ish lbs for the 100th time it just doesn't seem to be doing the job as well anymore. So then I'm left with wrangling a baby AND the twins! Maybe this is why our moms sported the ever so "sexy" playtex bras back in the day! ( also major apologies for calling my mom out like that!) Oh well whats a girl to do.... theres always the baby no..... hmm.... guess I'm just gonna have to grin and bear another year or so of wrangle'n 3!
On a side note I want to THANK my bestie Cathy! She has quite a full plate running a business and being a mom to a newborn! BUT she always finds time to let me chat her ear off for hours (or damn close!) No matter what I am always smiling and happy when we hang up! She is really amazing and I truly LOVE her!! So there!!

Friday, December 11, 2009


So we're winding down in the days w/o Caleb! I am soooo super excited!! I have to say though the past 3 weeks have givin me a sort of I am woman hear me roar complex! I mean I have managed to handle my wild ones and everything came out okay...even if barely haha. I realize that since moving to Japan I have done a good many things on my own.... I just want to pat myself on the back haha.
Anyway- football season for Toby is FINALLY over yay!! We are heading to the party here shortly. He really enjoyed playing but w/ the cold temps, chasing TJ, and lack of team participation I am feeling relieved to be done with the whole thing!
Every gift I ordered from the internet got here and I am sooo excited! I was a tad bit worried some stuff wouldn't make it but luckily the mail gods were on my side this year =0)
So I have all of Caleb's stuff wrapped and waiting to be put under our tree. We haven't put one up yet b/ we are waiting for daddy.
Anyway~ going to enjoy some bowling alley waffle fries w/ Travie J while Toby does his thing!