Wednesday, December 22, 2010

If I make it through this....

Geeze! We have been in lodging for 2 nights now with 2 more to go!! It's really awesome this time around!! The boys have their own beds in a shared room, then Caleb and I have our own bedroom as well. The extra awesome bonus FREE INTERNET!!! YAY!! =0) Lord knows I can't go too long w/o Facebook lol.
Now IF we can clear effin housing!! Our house wasn't clean enough sooo 4+ hours of cleaning and guess what STILL NOT CLEAN ENOUGH!!! WTF! I have seriously been in tears over this stupid house! The ONLY way to get the floors the way they want them is to spend painful hours on your hands and knees SUPER scrubbing! I am not wanting to do it....BUT I may. Still waiting on Caleb to come back w/ the outcome. UGH!! It's frickin crazy!!
Anyway- TJ and I got to meet Wee Man yesterday!!!
It was sweet!! I figure touching Wee Man who has touched Johnny Knoxville is just as good as actually touching Johnny =0)
Anyway- we're just waiting to get to GA now!! I am getting more and more excited by the day!!
Just praying TJ and Opie do well on the plane!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS everybody!!!
peace and love

Saturday, December 18, 2010

New Start

So I've been gone for quite some time. I decided to start back up blogging b/c i think some pretty interesting things are about to go down in my life :)
Okay to catch up on whats been going on....
Caleb is being medboarded out of the Army. As of Feb we will no longer be a military family. On Christmas however we will be flying back to the states!! We haven't seen our families in 2.5 years (and more for some) needless to say we are beyond stoked!! We will be temp. staying with my in laws. Until we find work and get on our feet. Which means Toby will get to go to the school that my mom works at! He's pretty excited and I think that helps with the nervousness of starting a new school. I really just can not wait!!
They came and packed all our stuff yesterday. So for the next couple days we're making do in a house with pretty much only the essentials. The Army only pays for 3 days of lodging so we decided to tough it out here til our 3 days get here. Anyway- so we do the Elf on the Shelf thing right. Fred is our Elf he started coming to our house last year and has made a return this year. He will also be traveling with us from here to GA. Yesterday he was in our pantry which was a great place to be b/c the movers were not supposed to go in the pantry (you can't pack food anyway) we also placed our paper goods to use for the next couple days in there too, along with a toaster we were going to use then trash. So right before the movers were done with everything, i walk into the house and see the last open box with the toaster in it! all the sudden it dawns on me that they prob. took Fred too. I go check and sure enough Fred was gone! We ask them about it they find the box, open it and not only is Fred inside but our paper plates, plastic cups, and a ton of FOOD! WTH!! I was super flippin hot! and the food they packed was just random stupid stuff. I seriously am not a fan of movers at all! They also ripped my James Iha picture shrine off the back of my stand up mirror....I had it on the frickin mirror for 10+ years!! UGH!!
Anyway- guess I'll go now that we're all caught up! Have no fear though I will be back in the next few days!!
*peace love and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!*