Tuesday, February 1, 2011

not where I thought we were going....

So we've been in Newnan a little over a month. LOVING all the family time!! Not to mention the good ole southern home cooked meals. (Yeah the treadmill and I have a major catch up time coming haha)
Coming in to this we thought we'd visit for a while and pretty much move on. However, it doesn't look like that is the way things are going. Caleb has found a decent job here, I've fallen head over heels in love with a house, and Toby is gaga over his new school. So, it looks like this is where we're staying.
Hopefully in the next couple weeks we will be putting in an offer on "my" house! Becoming home owners!! Starting our whole brand new lives as Newnanites! Eek! Just the thought makes me have all kinds of crazy emotions!! Over all though I think we're happy! I know our parents are, they are over joyed to be getting in so much grandparent time =0) (have I mentioned our boys are the only grandkids on both sides)
So on top of everything else I'm thinking about going back to school (yeah I've said it before I know) Knowing we are actually putting roots down somewhere really eases my mind with the whole process though.
*Deep Breaths*
Lets go!! We're gonna jump into 'civilian world' feet first and in the deep end!
*peace & love*